


In this course computer 软件 will be utilized to introduce the student to the 键盘使用定时打字和数字小键盘练习.  拥有很少的学生 或者对键盘没有专业知识的人应该参加这门课. 学生有2小时的实验时间 每周. (以前称为ca099)



本课程向学生介绍计算机知识. 本课程旨在 expose students to the history, theory, structure, terminology, social issues, and 今天计算机和网络的基本使用.  学生将获得的理解 computer technology, computer hardware components, peripherals, networks, 软件, 以及基本使用计算机作为生产工具.  学生也将被介绍 to the use of a popular productivity 软件 suite, including word processing, spreadsheet, and database 软件, as well as basic use of the Internet, the College's Intranet, 和电子邮件.  (以前称为ca104) *先决条件:INFO 0900或同等的安置测试.



Printed communication a vital link in today’s world, whether personal, social or business. This course will introduce students to basic letter composition, creating memos and 海报. Readability and clarity will be emphasized along with presentation of the 印刷文字. (需要键盘操作技能.)



Spreadsheets are used for presenting numeric data in areas of education, science, 个人理财和商业. 本课程将向学生介绍基本的格式 还有电子表格的术语. 学生们将致力于编写和展示 数字数据在一个容易吸引人的可读格式. 学生将从 a blank worksheet entering data, to labeling, using formulates, formatting, creating 图表,保存和打印.



In today’s world environment individuals are asked to present informational sharing 程序,他们经常使用演示软件. 本课程将开始培训 学生如何使用演示软件撰写信息. 除了基本的 slide composition students will be introduced to the usage of fonts, colors, using 演示文稿中的音频和视频链接. 学生也将储蓄和学习 为打印设置演示文稿格式的几种方法.




学生将 become acquainted with the different types and applications of spreadsheet 软件,演示软件和出版软件. 学生将学会创造 and revise spreadsheets and obtain a basic understanding of simple column and row tabulations, developing charts and using a variety of designs, fonts and appearances.  学生将学会创造 slideshows and obtain a basic understanding of using 不同的设计布局和基本效果.  学生将学习使用publisher 软件 to develop letterheads, greeting cards, 海报 and flyers and newsprint and students will understand the various applications for publisher 软件. (以前 称为ca120) *前提条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010如果需要.


Info 1600生产力软件ii (3)

本课程旨在 introduce the student to basic through advanced database and computer presentation concepts and skills using a combination of a popular database 计算机演示软件.  学生将学习设计,创造,操作, and print professional computer presentations, databases, and queries including documents, 工作表、工作簿、图表、图形和图形. 整个课程特别 emphasis will be placed on mail merger, formula creation, keyboard shortcuts, manipulation of the 软件 environment, and the integration of database documents/files and computer 与其他文件类型和软件应用程序的演示文稿. 

 (以前称为ca160) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010



Project Management is the discipline of defining and managing the vision, tasks, and 完成项目所需的资源. 本课程介绍 the project management process, resource management (time, money and people), quality control, communications and risk using and identifying popular project management 软件. Project Manager suites will be used to learn to develop strategic planning, 工作计划,日历和数据汇编报告.

(以前称为ca210) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010



The fundamentals of data communications, local area networking (LAN) and wide area 描述和讨论了网络(WAN). 主题包括网络服务、术语、 Physical Layer components, protocols, the OSI model, Architecture Standards and WAN 技术. (以前称为ca215) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010



本课程旨在 introduce the student to basic through advanced database 使用流行数据库软件的概念和技能.  学生将学习设计, create, manipulate, and print professional computer presentations, databases, and queries including documents, 工作表、工作簿、图表、图形和图形. 整个课程特别 emphasis will be placed on mail merger, formula creation, keyboard shortcuts, manipulation of the 软件 environment, and the integration of database documents/files and computer presentations with other files types and 软件应用程序. (以前称为ca220) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010



本课程旨在 introduce the student to PC troubleshooting skills. 学生 will build a Personal Computer (PC) from start to finish, including bench testing.  Through this process students will learn the major types of processors, hardware cards, motherboards, memory, drives, cables, and fans/heat sinks that constitute most PCs, diagnose common PC hardware problems utilizing a Basic Input/output Subsystem (BIOS), 并安装新的硬件和操作系统. 硬件/软件可能需要付费 成本. (以前称为ca230) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010   


Info 2400网页设计(3)

This course introduces students to the process of creating a Web site, with an overview of organizational issues, marketing concerns, navigation, typography on the Web, and 其他设计考虑. 它使用工业标准的成像软件和图形 基于界面的网页设计软件,如Microsoft FrontPage & Adobe Photoshop. The course uses lectures, 软件 demonstrations, exploration and analysis of existing Web sites, hands-on exercises, and projects to enable students to acquire the basic 为万维网创建网页的技能和知识. (以前称 如ca240) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010



The course is an introduction to computer design programs and their use in graphic 设计和美术应用.  学生将探索使用Adobe Photoshop 并将其用于个人艺术品和现代设计应用. 本课程将教授 skills useful for graphic designers/illustrators in the advertising agency field or offset printing industry, silkscreen industry, and sign making production.   手 on instruction takes students through the steps needed to provide finished printing 材料. 主要的主题包括视觉形式,排版,组合词的元素 图像和基本设计.  (以前称为ca242) *前提条件:INFO 1010


Info 2500高级网站设计(3)

This course introduces the fundamentals of interactive design theories and their applications 网页设计. 学生将整合设计原理、图像创作、文本、视频、 声音和简单的动画来创建动态网站. 本课程将强调 使用多媒体为客户实现特定的沟通目标. 脚本 故事板将作为设计过程的一部分引入. 学生将 produce an interactive multimedia web site that demonstrates their use of the basic 交互设计的概念和原则. (以前称为ca250) *先决条件:INFO 0900和INFO 1010






Employers have put increasing emphasis on selecting students who have work experience. By participating in an internship program, students gain valuable experience in an 他们可能考虑作为职业领域的领域. 实习也有助于学生 更精确地缩小他们的职业兴趣.  实习是一种有监督的工作经历, normally under conditions of paid employment which integrate significant activities in the real computer-based world with theories and principles learned in the classroom. (以前称为ca299)