


This course focuses on the 发展 and application of materials, activities, and experiences that encourage the young child’s (birth to 8-year old) creativity and aesthetic appreciation through visual arts, music, body movement, creative/open-ended 思考,戏剧艺术和游戏.


Eced 1060观察、评估和指导(3)

This course introduces a variety of observation, assessment and guidance strategies 用于从出生到8岁的早期儿童教育.


Eced 1110婴幼儿发展(3)

This course focuses on typical / atypical 发展 of 孩子们 in the prenatal 发展期至36个月.  规划物理领域的课程 growth and motor skills, cognition and language, and social / emotional 发展 在不同的环境下进行检查.


学前儿童发展 (2)

This course focuses on typical / atypical 发展 of the child ages 3 through 5 years, in the domains of physical growth and motor skills, cognition and language, 以及不同环境下的社会/情感发展.


Eced 1150幼儿教育概论(3)

This course provides an overview of the history, trends, and philosophies of early 儿童教育. 多样性、包容性、许可标准、现行立法、 专业精神和倡导被审查.


Eced 1160早期语言能力(3)

This course focuses on the 发展 of literacy and language skills from birth to age eight, including typical/atypical and dual/multiple language learners.



This course is designed to provide an orientation to practicum experiences in the 幼儿教育计划. 学生将回顾设置过程 a practicum, forms used during practicum, understand childcare licensing requirements for their state, and have their names cleared through appropriate background checks. 学生将 understand practicum expectations and responsibilities, methods of evaluation, 以及职业精神在工作场所的重要性.


Eced 1230学龄儿童发展(2)

This course focuses on typical/atypical 发展 of the 孩子们 ages 5 through 8年. The course will examine program design in out of school care that addresses the domains of physical growth and motor skills, cognition and language, and social/emotional 发展.


法规1260儿童健康、安全 & 营养(3)

This course addresses the interrelatedness of health, safety, and nutrition in the

幼儿的生活,从出生到八岁. 评估和促进的实践 介绍健康. 传染病和急性病得到有效控制 found in the early childhood years and early education settings is addressed. 安全 管理和处理虐待和忽视儿童的审查. 学生学习 appropriate nutritional guidelines and 实践 for planning meals and snacks in 教室里.



This course is designed to provide an understanding of the 发展al stages of 孩子们

from birth through 18 months-of-age by participating in hands-on learning experiences 在不同的幼儿保育和教育环境中. 学生将培养一种意识 of appropriate adult/child interaction while developing positive 员工的技能. 基本 skills in planning and implementing a daily routine and curriculum activities 对于婴儿来说. 学生需要完成至少45个时钟 实际工作经验小时数. 考试成绩必须达到“C”或以上 电子商务专业. (以前称为ECED 1521) *先决条件或共同条件:ECED 1110和1220



This course is designed to provide an understanding of the 发展al stages of 孩子们 18 months through 36 months-of-age by participating in hands-on learning 在不同的幼儿保育和教育环境中的经验. 学生将 develop an awareness of appropriate adult/child interaction while developing positive 员工的技能. 基本 skills in planning and implementing a daily routine and curriculum 介绍幼儿活动. 学生必须完成至少一项 45小时的实际工作经验. 及格的成绩是C或更高 ECED专业必修. (以前称为ECED 1522) *先决条件或共同条件:ECED 1110和1220



This course is designed to provide an understanding of the 发展al stages of 孩子们 from three to five years of age by participating in hands-on learning experiences 在不同的早期护理和教育环境中. 学生将培养一种意识 appropriate adult/child interaction while developing positive 员工的技能. 基本 skills in planning and implementing a daily routine and curriculum activities for 三至五岁的儿童也被展示. 学生必须参加 to complete a minimum 45小时的实际工作经验.  及格成绩 所有ECED专业都需要C或更高的成绩. (以前称为ECED 1520) *先决条件或共同条件:ECED 1220和1120



This course is designed to provide an understanding of the 发展al stages of 孩子们 from five to eight years of age by participating in hands-on learning experiences 在不同的早期护理和教育环境中. 学生将培养一种意识 appropriate adult/child interaction while developing positive 员工的技能. 基本 skills in planning and implementing a daily routine and curriculum activities for 学龄儿童. 学生需要完成至少45个时钟 实际工作经验小时数.  考试成绩必须达到“C”或以上 适用于所有ECED专业. (以前称为ECED 1545) *先决条件或共同条件:ECED 1220和1230



This course focuses on the theory, 发展 and philosophy of early 儿童教育 programs serving 孩子们 (from birth to age 8) with exceptionalities.  主题包括 working with families, legislation, role of the interventionist, interdisciplinary teams and inclusion of 孩子们 with special needs in natural environments. 观察 包容性实践和特殊儿童是必需的. *强烈建议:对儿童生长发育有一定的了解.


Eced 2060幼儿教育课程规划(3)

This course prepares students to plan a 发展ally appropriate curriculum and 3-8岁儿童的环境. 主题包括写作目标和 objectives, lesson plans, daily schedules, working with parents, and inclusionary 实践.



This course focuses on the 发展 of skills, techniques and attitudes needed to form successful collaboration with diverse family systems and communities.  十个 需要数小时的志愿服务学习.


Eced 2080 cda专业组合:婴幼儿(2)

Step 3 of the CDA process overview requires the students to develop and complete their Professional Portfolio for infants and toddlers, ages birth thru 36 months.  投资组合 will be a summary of student’s official training, including the list of CDA courses 完成了8个学科领域, Completed Family questionnaires short written statements explaining your teaching 实践 in relation to the six CDA standards early childhood resources, and a description of your educational philosophy that includes elements related to how 孩子们 can learn and your role in that process. *Pre-/Co-Requisites: 480 hours working with 孩子们 ages birth through 36 months and/or 120学时的专业教育,涵盖8个CDA学科领域.


Eced 2090 cda专业组合:学前(2)

Step 3 of the CDA process overview requires the students to develop and complete their 专业组合学龄前儿童,年龄三至五.  投资组合 will be a summary of student’s official training, including the list of CDA courses 完成了8个学科领域. 完成简短的家庭调查问卷 statements explaining your teaching 实践 in relation to the six CDA standards, early childhood resources, and a description of your educational philosophy that includes elements related to how 孩子们 can learn and your role in that process. *Pre-/Co-Requisites: 480 hours working with 孩子们 ages three to five and/or 120 小时的专业教育,涵盖8个CDA学科领域.


Eced 2450幼儿项目管理(3)

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of 儿童早期项目的管理方面. 本课程将帮助学生做好准备 to plan a facility, identify program goals, work with community resources, collaborate with schools, families, and other early childhood programs, implement an early childhood 规划,并评估规划质量. *先决条件:ECED 1150


Eced 2900专题(1-3)

(以前称为ECE 290)


电子商务2990 实习(1 - 4)

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